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Writer's pictureBrian Bowen


Updated: Mar 12, 2022

This is my fourth and final installment in my discussion & debate with the person I have been calling "Steve" &, in this one, we'll be discuss more bad Hebrew arguments, but mostly Steve's lack of evidence & his baseless allegations.

Steve: You got enough attention.

Brian: Not looking for attention, but if someone speaks falsehoods then I believe they should be corrected, but I do appreciate your replies & responses. Blessings! Steve: That's why you being in a cult that believes in fairy tales because you don't understand how to read the ancient language and you believe the charlatans and are in training to be a charlatan was addressed. But here we are and you still believe in your own version of Santa Claus. Brian: A university is not a cult, & neither is Christianity. I am in Christianity, therefore I am a Christian. I am not a part of a cult period! Again, please stop making baseless accusations we've already established that you can't substantiate. Christianity is also not a fairytale. Fairytales don't have loads of historical & archaeological evidence backing them up. In addition to that, if the Biblical-Christian worldview wasn't true then we would have no basis for knowledge, logic, science, objective morality, etc. These are transcendental features which means they are necessary features that would not be true if God did not exist. Take the Laws of Logic for example. There are three Laws of Logic: The Law of Identity, The Law of Noncontradiction, & the Law of the Excluded Middle. If the Biblical-Christian God did not exist then there would be no grounding for these three Laws of Logic. In the Biblical-Christian worldview, the Laws of Logic come from the Mind of God. They come from how he thinks. In the Naturalistic worldview, there are no foundations for these Laws of Logic. There would be no cogent reason why these Laws would work, & do so universally. However, they do. These Laws are immaterial (you can't walk down the street & find yourself tripping over the Law of Noncontradiction), they are universal (the Law of Excluded Middle would work the same even if you were on Mars just as it would on Earth, or the same in America as it does in Europe--otherwise people in Europe can establish their own Laws of Logic different from the ones we have), and they are timeless (the Law of Identity would work the same today as it did yesterday, & work the same fifty years from now--there will never be a time whenever you wake up one day & the Law of Identity would no longer be applicable). This is a transcendental feature of reality. As soon as you try to disprove it, you affirm it, bc you must use the Laws of Logic to try & disprove the Laws of Logic, thereby proving them true. We have grounds for this, but the atheists do not. This is called the Transcendental Argument. It shows the truth of Christianity by showing the impossibility of the contrary.

I know how to read ancient languages. I have studied them for years, & learned them from the ground up. So far, you have not shown me anything that tells me that you understand how to read the original languages. You even have a distorted view of the history of the Hebrew language that most modern Hebrew scholars don't carry. You rely heavily on online resources like the Blue Letter Bible for your "Hebrew" information instead of having scholarly lexicons right in front of you. I don't need the Blue Letter Bible sense my information comes directly from the Hebrew, and I actually own a number of Hebrew sources including the BDB, as well as both the Hebrew Old Testament & the Greek New Testament. I can check out the information myself.

Also, I am not a "charlatan" nor "in training to becoming a charlatan." Again, please stop with these baseless allegations & accusations, or get off my channel. You did these kinds of things last time too & it didn't end well for you then either. Let's get real with it for a second. The only real reason you are calling me that is bc you disagree with me, so you try to get out of my constant asking of evidence by making baseless accusations on the basis of opinions that you got off the top of your head. Btw, that was an ad hominem fallacy that you had made. The fact that you disagree with me doesn't make me a "charlatan" in the first place. Do you call everyone a name who doesn't agree with you? And I don't believe in any version of Santa Clause. This is a strawman argument you are making. Also, comparing the truth of Christianity, which has loads of historical & archaeological evidence backing it, to the belief of "Santa Clause" is a false analogy fallacy. Again, I think it just comes down to you disagreeing with me, & then attacking me personally on the basis of such disagreements. People usually result in such poor argumentation when they are desperate & can't prove what they are saying. Listen, we can't keep this up. If you don't have anything productive to add to the conversation, then we need to end this. I don't want us to keep this up where you start becoming obsessed with me again. So, if you don't have anything further to add to the conversation, we need to be finished with whatever prompted you to attack me again. I don't want to have to force you off my channel regarding your constant attacks and never-ending responses like I did the last time. I am hoping you'll leave the conversation more peacefully than you did last time, & just agree to disagree. Blessings!

Steve: Just by posting long winded posts doesn't make you correct. You can use all the excuses you want but at the end of the day you are out of touch with reality. Cult blindness, cult madness and cult adoration.

Brian: So, is this why I can demonstrate my position, and you cannot? Because I am allegedly "blinded to the truth?" No, I have the truth, & can demonstrate it. But let's discuss why you can't demonstrate your position, but I can. Does this not make you think? If I am the "blind one" then why am I able to demonstrate what I am saying, but you cannot? Why can I provide evidence & sources, but you cannot? Is it bc I am just following my pastor who never hardly speaks on these matters? Why do I know so many facts? Why can't you provide any evidence? Do you ever wake up in the morning, & with all of your baseless allegations & conspiracy theories, not to mention your lack of evidence, and wonder...could you be wrong? And btw, still not in a cult. Blessings!

Steve: You will always be a slave to your cult. Just because you don't understand doesn't make it so. There is nothing that can change a narrow minded person that has been brainwashed. So it becomes a waste of time trying to help someone that doesn't want help. The problem with the cult you are in is that it fuels war. Let me guess. You support the terrorist nation known as Israel as blindly as you follow the teachings of Liberty University and your Pastor. That's another funny one. A Pastor is a Pastoralist that farms cult members as a Nomadic Shepherd. After all you are just an animal to the cult.

Brian: I'm not a "slave" to a cult, which I am not even a part of. Again, I am a Christian, which means I am not a part of any cult, nor believe in them. I have studied cults & know quite a bit about them, including what it is. You keep accusing me of this & you are exposing the fact even more that you do not know what a cult is, and this fact is becoming more obvious every time you accuse me of being a part of a "cult" bc I go to Liberty University. Your persistent assertions are not going to ever make this false accusation true. I also notice these are different arguments & accusations from last time. I do think that you are making this stuff up off the top of your head. This is becoming clearer & clearer every time you reply.

Again, I am not the one being "brainwashed." In fact, I think you have convinced yourself of something that you know is a lie so much that you are deluding yourself into thinking it's true, in spite of your lack of evidence. It is not "narrow-mindedness" to believe what is true. This is always my goal, but apparently not yours. I have tried to help you overcome this, but you are deliberately trying to not be informed on these matters. I don't mind trying to help you, I really don't, but if you are not willing to seek after the truth, I don't know what more I can do for you. You seem to think someone is "narrow-minded" if they don't agree with you, but this is not what being narrow-minded even means. narrow-minded means that the person only sees one-way in spite of evidence to the contrary! This would better describe you than me since I'm moving with the evidence, but rather you are stuck in the way, and what, you think, in spite of evidence to the contrary. If everyone had to agree with you in order to not be "narrow-minded" then everyone would be narrow-minded!

If you mean the country of Israel that is ruled by Islam, then the answer would be no. I am an American. If you mean the nation of Israel that was in the OT, then yes. They will always be God's people, but they are not the same as the country of Israel, which didn't exist during the OT times anyhow. By the way, they are not a terrorist country anyhow. Most Muslims are not as extreme as those coming out of terrorist groups. Either way, I don't believe in, nor support, Islam. That is a separate belief system from Christianity. I am both a Christian & an American. Christianity isn't about war, read the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels. Even if some professing Christian did some kind of violent act, this would not be a reflection on the teachings of Jesus, Scriptural evidence, nor a reflection on Christianity as a whole. A belief system cannot be judged based upon the mistakes of its members, bc this would be the circumstantial ad hominem fallacy. You judge it by the weight of its claims, not any mistakes of its members. Anyhow, we are not "fueled by war." Both Martin Luther King Jr. & Gaudy got the idea of a non-lethal protest from Jesus.

I don't "follow the teachings of Liberty University" nor my pastor. I follow the teachings of Scripture. It just so happens they are attempting the same thing as me, so there may be times of abundant agreements, but not always. Even my pastor & I differ on things, but I don't expect him to be perfect, nor myself, nor Liberty University. However, that doesn't mean that I can't learn anything from them. Either way, do you really believe that my pastor even discusses half the stuff I discuss on my videos? I wish! No, again, I get what I know from intense & extensive study. You don't need to believe that for that to be true. You really have no idea where the word "pastor" comes from, any more than you know what a cult is, do you? The word "pastor" comes from the NT & used many times throughout it. It is intended to replace the "shepherds", that shepherded Israel, in the OT bc we were placed under One Shepherd, namely Jesus. The earliest Christians had pastors so it wasn't a "cult thing." Btw, I'm not an "animal" to anybody. This is another ad hominem fallacy. Again, you can keep claiming I'm in a cult all you like, but you claiming it won't make that true, nor will it take away all of the evidence to the contrary. Blessings!

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