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Writer's pictureBrian Bowen


In this post I will continue my discussion & debate with "Steve" as we discuss more bad Hebrew arguments & more false accusations. We continue our discussion below.

Steve: Tiamat is mentioned in Bereshit 1:2 As the 8th Hebrew word and is Tehom both a Hebrew word and a Ugaritic word.

Brian: I believe we've already exhausted this matter. The thesis you hold on the original languages is bankrupt & without merit, & is contextually and historically untenable. Even if true, sense all language derives from other languages, & if traced back far enough will be traced, ultimately, to some kind of pictographic script, then this would make all communication break down including the words you are using to respond to me, making this thesis self-refuting. I have produced a number of videos on this which anyone is welcome to watch, but you already know this sense it was our previous discussions that prompted the making of those videos. However, I think we've both have exhausted everything me & you can say on this subject for over two weeks & we got nowhere with each other, not to mention the fact that we kept going around in circles with each other. I do not think you'd include anything new with this subject. Tiamat isn't mentioned at all in Genesis 1:2. Let me read the passage. "The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters" (ESV). There is no mention of Tiamat. What you might've meant was the theory that the Hebrew word, "תֹ֙הוּ֙" (tohu) which is translated as "formless." The word, tohu, literally means "without form." It was thought a long time ago by some that tohu should be translated from a state of chaos, & one (not many) suggested that "tohu" had come from another word for Tiamat, but this has long-sense been proven false by Hebrew scholars. The Hebrew language is a Semitic language that did not derive from the Ugaritic language. Tohu was well-established in Hebrew. Tohu means "without form" not a state of chaos, nor Tiamat. This is why scholars do not hold this view today. Thank you for your reply! Blessings!

Steve: Proto Satanic Script was the parent script of both Ugaritic Script and Hebrew Script. You can ignore that forever if you want to. But does any facts matter at all to you ? You operate on blind faith and build up from that. Ignoring dubious works in your own reference material.

Brian: No, I'm not. It is actually on the other foot! It is you that are ignoring facts. So far you haven't even given me any sources or evidence which I am not surprised at. There is no "Satanic Script" & you, once again, got history wrong. Also, I noticed this contradicts your previous thesis of claiming that Hebrew came from Egyptian (I think you are making this stuff up as you go along), which I had, also, established was false. Instead of repeating our arguments, I am just going to point people to my videos on this, as well as our discussions in the comment sections of those videos. Even though some scholars dispute it, most Hebrew scholars think that Hebrew came from the Phoenician alphabet. Either way, this is irrelevant for now you are engaging in another word study fallacy called the root word fallacy (or the root fallacy as it may also be referred to). Where a word comes from has no relevance to what the word means whenever Moses pen the word. Also, it did not come from Tiamat anyway, and Tohu means "without form" in Hebrew. Where is the evidence for your allegations? I would contend that you have none. Blessings! Steve: So you also are unaware that Ugaritic and Phoenician script comes from Egyptian. That's fine, if that's what helps you keep going in the cult. You are an interesting subject, you provide insight as to how an Apologetics Cult brainwashes their members. I have been studying modern day cults for 14 years. And you are textbook. Your promised things by the cult that they wont or cant provide. Salvation, heaven and help from the most powerful god ever known. Yet it escapes you they are selling you into forking over money into the cult mlm pyramid scheme system.

Brian: No, you are bending history again. Some scholars think that the Phoenician's original pictographic language might have been influenced by Egyptian hieroglyphics, but Hebrew came from the Phoenician alphabet of 22 letters after they had condensed their language down to a phononic system. At any rate, regardless of what happened, you are missing the point. Even if these languages were all related it wouldn't mean that the meaning they had whenever Moses wrote Genesis would be the same. We cannot judge a language based upon meanings that would have been, not only lost, but useless since the language, including grammar, & syntax, or structure would be different by the time the text was written down. You missed the point the last time we had this discussion. At any rate, all of this conversation would lead us back into your wild conspiracy theories, & I would rather not bring up old discussions that landed you exiled from the channel bc you wouldn't leave me alone. Again, not in a cult, so stop saying that. I am a Christian. You don't get to define terms any way you like. That is not how this works. Also, there is no such thing as an "apologetic cult." This does not exist. A cult is a religious body that branches out from its parent religion but deviates from that parent religion in its most essential teachings. This is not me. I agree with all of the foundational doctrines of Christianity, which means, definitionally, I am not in a cult. Your claim to the contrary doesn't make this claim of yours true. I am not "brainwash" in any sense of the word. Again, you seem to think someone is "brainwash" if they don't agree with you, but that's not even what the word means. No, not "brainwashed", I check out everything, but I have studied well. So far, you haven't backed up anything. So, who's brainwashed? No one in Christianity, promises these things (salvation, Heaven, or even "help from the most powerful God ever known"). It is God who promises them (for example, see Titus 1:2). Btw, God is the only true God in existence, but He is all-powerful. But if you think that what constitutes a cult then I stand by what I had said, you really have no idea what you are talking about. You might have described "religion" in some sense, but this is not the definition of a cult. Your definition would make all religions indistinguishable from a cult, but not all religions are cults. You have no idea what constitutes a cult. Again, Liberty University is a university, not a cult, which, so far, you haven't offered a shred of evidence for. Again, Liberty is not a cult & it is not a "pyramid scheme" which you haven't provided any evidence for, so at this point, I think it is safe to assume that you have none. Also, again, Liberty is non-profit & a great school, but it is not a "waste of my time" since they are providing me with an education, something, I think, you need a lot of, I'm afraid. Blessings! Steve: Moses certainly did not write Bereshit. That doesn't matter either now does it except for you and your cult. Obviously you haven't looked into Liberty University and discover how the non profit side is used to funnel money to certain groups and people. All the big cults do that along with many of the smaller ones. But then again, that doesn't matter to you. You think being an Apologist will be something worthwhile. So go ahead and spend the rest of your life playing the fool. The guys at the top don't buy the stories they are selling you. Their just better at profiting from the fraud.

Brian: Moses did write Genesis, as all of the evidence supports. The writer of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible including Genesis, which the Jews call the Torah which is the Hebrew word for the Law & "Pentateuch" is the Greek word for "the five scrolls") knew of Egyptian beliefs, terminologies, geography & history concerning the 1400s BC. A later writer would not have known these things. All of the Old & New Testament writers gave credit for Moses writing these first five books. The earliest Jewish tradition has it that Moses wrote these five books. There is no evidence to the contrary.

You keep treating the word "cult" as a mantra, but saying the word over & over again will not make it true. All of the money that goes into the school, goes back into the school. That is the nature of a non-profit organization, not a cult. Once again you keep claiming something for which you have no evidence, but you need evidence in order to claim it. Again, you don't understand what a cult is, & how to define it. See my previous replies to you for a lexically-accurate definition of a cult.

I am an apologist, but I don't do what I do for my own glory, but for the glory of the one true God. I'm not "playing the fool" but rather I lean on the wisdom of God. Having the ability to demonstrate what you believe is not foolish, but running to a conspiracy theory & baseless allegations is. Just keep that in mind. Nobody is selling information to me or buying my allegiance. This is an absurd assertion. Everything I know I had learned from intense study. God has called me to this position, but God is only deserving of the praise & glory. The truth is not fraudulent. Keep that in mind as well. Blessings!

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