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Writer's pictureBrian Bowen


We are continuing our discussion into the arguments of Steve. He has challenged me on several of my videos on Genesis, replying to many of them. This time he is accusing Liberty University, the college I attend, of being a "cult" which he clearly doesn't actually know how that word is defined. He has also accused Liberty University of being "pyramid scheme." Although both allegations were baseless, he argues his positions as follows. Remember, my responses are in blue, and his will be in red.

Steve: Thank you again. So the MLM Pyramid Scheme for Liberty University Bachelors Degree in Apologetics is Dr. Gary Habermas then CS Lewis and Lee Strobel. What level in the pyramid do you see yourself in the pyramid in 20 years? Anywhere above the base?

Brian: I go to Liberty University. They do not have such a "pyramid scheme" to any degree. Lee Strobel & C.S. Lewis never went to Liberty University, so I don't know why their names are even brought up, & neither do they work there. C.S. Lewis went to a number of colleges in England, & Lee Strobel works at Houston Baptist University in Texas. So, your question makes no sense. Dr. Gary Habermas is the Ph.D. professor over the Doctrine of Theology & Apologetics at Liberty University, so as far as I can tell, has nothing to do with Liberty's Bachelor's program there at Liberty. However, if you're asking, "Do you see yourself working there someday?" then the answer is "Yes", that is my hope to one day work at the very university in which I received my degrees. I like Liberty University & consider it a great university in which to attend & to receive an education. However, there is no "scheme" of any kind, rather pyramid or other. In fact, Liberty University is a non-prophet organization, so all of the money Liberty makes goes back into the school, & paying their professors. No one person is sitting behind the scenes trying to make a boatload of money off of it. Thanks for the response! Blessings!

Steve: Liberty University uses Lewis and Strobel in their advertising for new initiates into the MLM cult. Sure the University has a product to sell, many MLM's do. Cults and MLM's make most of their money via recruiting. Well you enjoy your life as a cult member in an MLM scheme. And you all wont get in the end a job with the University and it will have been all in vain. Steve: Have you spoke to Director of Recruitment or Director of Orientation and Retention ? All the Cults and MLM's have those guys. Scientology is big on selling classes also. Apologetics is like Liberal Arts. There is a huge amount of people that take such studies and get degrees only to not find positions of substantive work because there is an overabundance of those people at the bottom of the pyramid. Just like any other Cult or MLM you will have to engage in recruitment and retention practices to move up the ladder in the game. That's if you can even get your foot onto the first rung without getting your feet wet in such deceptive practices. Brian: Wow! I don't usually tell this to people, even ones I disagree with, very often, but you truly have no idea what you are talking about! I mean every word! There is no cult at Liberty University. I have studied cults before & I honestly doubt you even know what one is in the first place. There is no "MLM cult" anywhere at Liberty University. Honestly, I doubt you've ever gone there. It is a Christian university. Also, the college is non-profit which means they take in no money by which one person can get rich on. All of the money goes back into the school itself. Unless they are citing from their respected sources, there isn't any other way that I can perceive whereby they would need to incorporate them. And citing from their sources doesn't mean that every part of their school or curriculum is based upon them, nor does it mean that they have anything to do with the school. Man, where are you getting your information from? Do you just make this stuff up as you go along? I am not a part of any cult. I am a Christian, not a member of a cult. Why do you think I won't get a job at Liberty University, who hires professors to teach? I'm glad you're not God, & my hope & future doesn't rest in you! Please try to be a little bit more respectful than this. Blessings! Brian: No, apologetics is used by all religions, even non-religious groups such as atheism have apologists. Apologetics just means "to make a defense." I practice Christian apologetics which is the defense of the Christian Faith. Liberty has apologetic courses bc sense Christianity is attacked a lot--case in point :)--and, therefore, we rise up to defend it, which we do, successfully, I might add. What you are claiming about Liberty University is simply false. Back up your claims with some sources & evidence instead of mere assertions & what appears to be your personal opinion rather than fact. Again, there is no cult at Liberty University! Claiming this without any proof does not make it so! There is no "Director of Recruitment" nor "Director of Orientation and Retention" at Liberty University! Students come in through the door at Liberty University through a department called Academic Advising, which is how all students apply to Liberty University. Listen, if you can't have a meaningful conversation that doesn't include baseless accusations then please get off my channel!

Steve: So you are unaware that in 2017 that Liberty University had 300 salesmen in the recruitment department that were pressured to recruit 8 people per day. And that same year the University received most of its revenue from taxpayer sources. I do believe you are unaware and in the dark like a mushroom being fed shit constantly. That's what cults do. And yes there are very many Christian cults. Your just in a very large one. And my source of Director Of Recruitment and Director of Orientation and Retention was from an internal document. I would imagine the simplest form of retention is to convince people they could become a professor at the college. How many of those positions are available for the thousands upon thousands of graduates ? Pyramid scheme.

Brian: You claimed that " are unaware that in 2017 that Liberty University had 300 salesmen in the recruitment department that were pressured to recruit 8 people per day. And that same year the University received most of its revenue from taxpayer sources." Liberty University doesn't have "salesmen" they have academic Advising. This is a department for recruiting students. Salesmen sell products & services, not people. So your claim is incorrect. Again, without evidence this claim is bankrupt. You claim you have an "internal source" but you have not produced nor identified that source. I typically call this an appeal to phony evidence, where you claim a questionable piece of evidence or source is your justification for thinking this, but you fail to produce it, identify it, or the source in question is dubious. This kind of reminded me of the time you claimed that the Pdf version of the Codex Leningrad didn't have vowel pointers, but I demonstrated that it did. Remember that? Also, I don't know what you mean, nor its relevance, about Liberty University, allegedly receiving money from "taxpayer sources." Do you mean did they receive money from the government in the form of grants? Well, they are a university so I would expect that, but if you mean some government agency was greasing the palms of people who work for the university, then this would be you spreading lies. Again, back up anything you are saying here with evidence. A mere assertion void of context (no evidence or sources to examine) is not evidence. Also, the source cannot be questionable & must be reliable. So far you have not provided any. Anyhow, I don't see, even if true, & it's not, how would that make them a cult anyway. All colleges & universities recruit students & receive money from the government. Most of them even do it for a profit, but that doesn't make them a cult. Again, I don't think you understand what a cult is.

Btw, please don't cuss whenever you answer a reply on my channel. My channel is a Christian apologetics channel, & I want any conversation between us to be rational & respectful. I know, sometimes, I joke around at your expanse, but I want you to know no matter how wrong I think you are, & no matter how many times you attack me personally, I really don't have anything against you. I know you might not believe this, but I am glad you're here, watching my videos. Even though we disagree I would still pray for you. I have prayed for you, & will continue to do so, but even in the midst of our discussions & disagreements, we must always speak respectfully & try to practice a rational conversation. This is another reason I attack your arguments & positions, not you.

There are no "Christian cults" bc if you know what a cult is then this statement would be an oxymoron. Again, a cult is a religious body that breaks off from its parent religion but deviates from that religion in its most essential doctrines. For example, Mormonism would be an example of a cult, but they are not Christian bc they are a polytheistic group that has a view called Tritheism which sees the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit as three gods, rather than one God. They differ on the essentials they make Christianity Christian & are, therefore, not Christian by any definition of the word. Think of cults like a funhouse mirror. Like a real mirror, they will show you a reflection, but unlike a real mirror, they show you a distorted view of the real thing. Liberty University is a respected university. They are not a cult nor even a religion, although they carry Christian values. Again, not in a cult. I believe in all of the foundational doctrines of Christianity. I just don't think you understand what a cult is, but I do grow tired of your baseless allegations.

Again, Liberty University has no Director Of Recruitment and Director of Orientation and Retention. They have Academic Advising. I'm thinking your "internal document" probably doesn't exist, but let's say that it does. Who is it from? I want a name. Where did you get it? What does it say? Where did they get their information? Do they have an ax to grind against Liberty University? Can you provide a copy of it to me? And most importantly, is it a trustworthy source? I have to know the credibility of the source in question, & so far you've provided me with none.

Actually, no one ever promised me a position there at Liberty University, & like any other college & university as well, Liberty University cannot guarantee you a job after you graduate. This choice is left up to the ones who hire others. Like all colleges, the most Liberty University can do is provide the education & tools that can increase your chances of getting a job after you graduate. I want to become a professor bc I like teaching what I know. I wanted to teach at Liberty University bc I love the school & want to teach there. No one promised me anything. Like your cult allegation, this, too, is void of evidence. There is nothing about Liberty University that would make you think it is either a cult or a pyramid scheme, so once again, your arguments are up the creek without a paddle. Blessings!

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