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Me_About Me Image

Brian Keith Bowen is a Christian apologist, author, the founder of the Apologetics 101 Online Ministries, as well as the founder & host of the YouTube channel known as Apologetics 101. Brian Bowen has been a Christian for 22 years & a Christian apologist for 16 years, but started both his online ministries & his YouTube channel back in December of 2020. He has an Associates Degree in Religion at Liberty University, & is currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Religion, also, at Liberty University where he'll go on to pursue a Masters Degree in Apologetics.


Brian Bowen created this ministry for the purpose of reaching non-Christians who have been taught by other skeptics to be hyperskeptical of the Bible in general, & the New Testament specifically, as well as for atheists & agnostics who thinks that God does not exist, & Christianity is void of any real evidence. Contrary to what they have been taught, Christianity is the most evidence-based & the most factually-based belief system (worldview) I have ever seen.



Ultimately, our ministry is dedicated to reaching non-believers with the gospel & the truth of Jesus Christ & the Bible. We are also committed to equiping Christians to doing the same & reaching as many non-believers as they can.


We want to strive to respond to skeptical objections, both through video & through written sources such as blogs & articles.

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This website contains videos from my YouTube channel Apologetics 101, and it also contains blog posts, articles and other media by which to teach Christian apologetics and the Gospels. It also contains information concerning any books I write on the topics, theological articles and blogs, as well as content at the scholarly level. Please feel welcome here, and enjoy the cool things I have included in this site! Blessings!



Brian K. Bowen


Our mission & goal is to reach as many unbelievers as we can with the gospel & with the truth of Christianity. We due this through facts & evidence, as well as strong argumentation. We strive to, in turn, teach & equip other believers to do the same in response to those who would claim themselves skeptics. In short, we must always strive to "learn the facts that the critics don't want us to know!"

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